Live Jasmin Elite Club

Among the users of LiveJasmin platform, there exists the ranking system which determines the abilities and privileges enabled. The more active the person is, the higher status is achieved and the more noticeable the presence of such becomes. With the promotion of the rank, the chances of user to attract the attention of the favorite model increase rather rapidly.


There is the total of six ranks in the LiveJasmin community which can be unlocked over time. They are all accumulated in passive and active ways, calculated from the amount of credits spent on the platform since the day one of every month or already obtained statuses.

LiveJasmin Statuses

The person who has just registered has no official ranking, requiring to complete the stated conditions before obtaining the first category. While gradually upgrading the status, the user can get:

Along with the status promotions, there are additional in-site features that can be unlocked with them. They help to increase the bookmarking slots, conceal the real rank if necessary and even activate the premium benefits which are usually obtained from the paid subscriptions.

What is points?

The measure reference which is used for indicating rank promotions on the LiveJasmin platform is calculated in points. To accumulate them, the user has to use the credits spent on the site’s exclusive features, and, over time, the part of the points will be accumulated automatically for the attendance and from a multiplier for spending the site’s currency.

LiveJasmin points

The points distribution resets with every month, transferring only the part accumulated from the last achieved rank to the next period. Meanwhile, the current rank remains with all of its benefits of point multiplying and accumulation, so it is not a problem to get back to the same position before the end of the next month or even surpass the result. Everything depends just on the user’s determination, allowing to test the admiration for the favorite models and see how far it is possible to go for catching their attention.

What is rank?

With reaching another step in the status hierarchy, the user draws more and more of the common attention, as it gets highlighted in the profile designs and special chatroom decorations. It will be impossible to go unnoticed, whatever chatroom is selected for attending – the familiar one or completely new.

LiveJasmin happy hour

At a certain point, it will be possible to mask the real achievements for a lower rank in case the person does not feel like showing it openly. This also helps to impress the favorite models even more, disclosing the real rank and show admiration just for them.


With the following features that are enabled to the user, there is a strong motivation for many to keep climbing up to new ranks or preserve the position obtained for the time being. Starting from the simple improvements like increased number of slots for saving the favorite models, the stakes get higher and more appealing with every next ranking.

LiveJasmin benefits

One of the most attracting offers for many is an opportunity to get to the free privileges of paid subscriptions. It usually unlocks some pretty handy features that will ensure the comfortable chatting interactions and higher variability of settings.

Rank Multiplier

As one of the main status improvements, each rank has the option of point multiplier. With its help, the points which are accumulated after credits spending get the additional volume, helping the user to promote faster to the next possible rank.

LiveJasmin - Rank Multiplier

The correspondence of point to one credit is usually 1:1, so with every next multiplier the user gets more points up to the final increase to x2.25. In such way, if the user spends the first 50 credits during the month, with the enabled rank from the previous activity, it may immediately increase points up to more than 100 of them, promoting the user back much faster.

Daily Drop

Another privilege coming with the increase of rankings is reflected in the daily drops of points. With the attendance on every day of enabled rank, the user gets additional 0.25-15 points that influence the further promotion.

LiveJasmin Daily Drop

If the user leaves the platform for a prolonged period, the points will stop accumulating, leading back to the starting point. After returning to the LiveJasmin community, it will be required to start the promotion over to get back all the accumulated features.

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