Live Jasmin Account registration

Every visitor of the LiveJasmin platform, when deciding to stay as a regular, has to go through the registration procedure to get the favored list of models, communicating with other users and more. It will take no more than five minutes to get ready with a new account and start the long-term involvement with the LiveJasmin community.

How to register account?

Once the person is ready to get a new account, it is enough to pay attention to the top menu of the main page. There, in the top right corner, the registration button will be, signed as “Join now for free”, opening the pop-up window over the page.

LiveJasmin - Account registration

Inside the sign-up form, the user has to come up with several essential points that will be used for logging in later. First comes the username selection, which can be also generated or updated automatically for becoming unique and removing the warning about existing nickname. Then goes the password creation, which does not have much restrictions, but is heavily recommended to follow the general rules of safety, like different case, included numbers and more. Lastly, the user enters the e-mail, gets acquainted with the Terms of Use and submits the form.

LiveJasmin Join for free

Afterwards, the invitation letter will be sent, which will activate the account and confirm the e-mail registration for outer contacting. With them, it will be possible to finally proceed with regular login and account setup.

What is username?

In order to differentiate the users, make sure there are no overlaps or opportunities for scamming, the username policy requires strictly unique names to come up with. If the nickname is already taken, the warning message will appear, indicating a need to try again.

LiveJasmin - What is username

For providing some assistance, the suggestion tool will come into work, offering the alternative version of the nickname based on the input variant. It can be also upgraded from the initial form – the platform gladly accepts any option as long as it does not repeat the existing nicknames.

How to confirm email?

Immediately after submitting the form, an invitational letter is generated, allowing to complete the registration. It will also confirm that the e-mail address was entered correctly and can be used for later contacting.

LiveJasmin confirm email

After opening the e-mail, the clickable text will indicate where to click in order to be returned to the website for complete login. Alternatively, the direct link will be shown, which can be copied and pasted into the browser URL field for completing the registration.

Registration via mobile phone

The services for LiveJasmin platform are also available for mobile managing, having the adapted layout for smaller devices. To save as much space as possible, unlike on the main site, the “Sign up free” button is placed in the expandable side menu, accessed through the top left corner.

LiveJasmin mobile signup

It will open the similar registration form, indicating the fields for username, password and e-mail address currently used. After reading the Terms of Use and agreeing to them, the user submits the request to the server about creating new account.

LiveJasmin - Registration via mobile phone

Within a minute or so, the notification should come from the e-mail application, showing the invitation letter for completing the sign-up process. If nothing has appeared, the “Spam” folder should be checked, too, and with no signs of appearing of such, it is worth submitting the form again, checking if all the information is typed in correctly.

Registration via web

Most of the users, when it comes to registering the LiveJasmin account, prefer to do it with the regular desktop version. In it, the button in the bright yellow color is seen clearly from the top right corner, inviting to the registration form.

LiveJasmin - Registration via web

After completing the sign-up and entering the account as a regular user, the person will get to see personalized settings, new options for setting up the profile, gets to see the ranking system and much more. All of the benefits are followed with secure protocols enabled, making sure that all the information from one end to another gets reliably encrypted, leaving everything between the user and the platform.

Discount for new customers

Every of the registered users gets the chance to enhance the experience on the platform with the help of the limited-time discount issued right after the first account entering. With the banner appearing, the person gets redirected to the credits purchase page which will show the actual opportunities.

LiveJasmin happy hour

First of all, the user selects the purchase option which will be used for purchasing the in-platform currency. There are three basic options for it – debit or credit card, cryptocurrencies and e-wallet systems. Then, the page allows to see the four main packages which are available for replenishing the account balance.

LiveJasmin - Discount for new customers

It is important to remember that the discount can be applied only once, even if the user makes another purchase within the same hour. This is why it is essential to consider the options carefully, getting the maximal benefit from the platform’s offer.

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