Live Jasmin Model Account

If a person wants to enter the LiveJasmin platform not as a regular user, but become the model instead, than this wish can be easily granted. No matter the past experience, physical features or any other parameters, the LiveJasmin community is always ready to welcome new models. A simple registration is enough to get an account for modelling purposes.

What is model account?

Unlike the regular visitor, who just attends the streams, initiates the conversation and gets recognized according to the credits spent, the model is the one who creates the content for the platform. With the offered services and hosted broadcasts, it is possible to collect the admirers who would want to get in touch and personally interact with them. The modelling work on LiveJasmin is also considered as an opportunity of earning more from created materials, getting the guarantees of comfortable conditions and rights protection with administration’s help.

LiveJasmin models wanted

To apply for becoming a model is not hard at all, the past experience or lack of one is also not the issue. All the person has to do is to scroll to the main page bottom, finding there the button for “Models wanted” and opening the page for model account sign-up.

Model account registration

Similar to the main page, the site will allow to easily find and determine the ways to activate the sign-up form. It does not really matter if the model wants to select the button in the center of a page or activate is from the top menu, as on the regular site version.

LiveJasmin model center

From there, the user sees a regular page which is required for the first-time registration. From it, the platform requests an e-mail account, password used and consent to the Terms of Use provided by the LiveJasmin platform. After the person is ready, the first step will be completed by pressing the “Create an account” button below.

LiveJasmin model sign up

The second stage involves the selection between a single account, for personal modelling, or studio one, which allows to manage the activity of several models at once. Later, it will be possible to join new participants, create new accounts for them and navigate the financial distribution for them. Still, the first option with individual activity remain much more popular option.

LiveJasmin account type

From the next steps, there starts the verification process which includes providing the personal data and identification documents. This is necessary for checking that the model is officially engaged with the platform, has no shady background and is of appropriate age and area of residence for working with LiveJasmin platform.

Model account verification

First of all, the administration will ask the model to provide some general personal details. They include full name, date of birth, area of residence, gender and following details. One of the points may include the person or source of information which were used for deciding to apply as a new model.

LiveJasmin Model account details

Then, there goes the identity verification, requiring to upload the photos of officially issued document, both front and back sides, and a photo of a model with the ID in hand. To avoid any inconveniences, the photos should be of a clear quality, allowing to easily read the information from them. For the last image, the model is also recommended to not wear any cap, glasses, mask or other accessories that would influence the recognition.

LiveJasmin Model account verification

After submitting all the information, the administration will inform the model about a check-up results within the next three days. The letter should come up in the e-mail inbox, but it is also recommended to look up for it in the “Spam” folder, too, just in case. Usually, the incoming response is positive, allowing to proceed with the setup of a new account specifically for modelling.

Model account login

After receiving an approval, the following sign-ins should also be performed from the modelling center, in order to not get mixed up with the regular accounts. To access it, scroll to the main page bottom again, finding the “Models wanted” option, and select next the “Login” from it.

LiveJasmin Model account login

In the form shown, the user adds the e-mail address, created password combination and gets logged in quickly. For the cases when some kind of trouble happens, it is possible to reset the password or get in touch with the support team.

Model account withdraw money

Depending on the area of residence, there are numerous options for convenient withdrawal of the funds. There are included the most popular options of European, American, Latin American and other regions that will help to withdraw the funds right after the platform approval. Once selecting the payment method, it will be chosen as default option, so, for changing the gateway later, there might be required the help from a support team. With the automatic payout, the funds will be withdrawn every two weeks, after reaching the threshold of $100 or more, and require another 25 days for getting the necessary confirmations.

LiveJasmin - Model account withdraw money

To quicken the process, the model can request for “Fast payout option” that will remove the 25-day invoice in exchange for additional percent of the withdrawal sum. It can be managed from the account settings, allowing to enable and disable it at any moment. Most models prefer to use the opportunity of fast payouts, agreeing to submit from $5 to $150 for quicker transactioning.

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